Saturday, September 6, 2008

Week 2 Discussion Post #3

A concept I found interesting in this chapter was Francis Bacon’s ideas during the Moderrn Period. It’s funny how themes of human thought during 1561 are universal and still hold true today. Bacon believed that there were four reasons why clear thinking is distorted. He believes “that most of us, are, by nature, careless thinkers overruled by emotion” (Trenholm 10). I really agree with this. Our emotions directly influence our choices and thoughts. One huge example I can think of is love. Two people can be in love, and the relationship may not necessarily be healthy or right. But emotions are high, and people cannot always be in the right state of mind. Bacon also thought that in order to keep clear thoughts and not be as careless, we must “be as scientific as possible, grounding knowledge in empirical observation and rational thought” (Trenholm 11). I agree with this statement as well. In a previous public speaking course, we had debates frequently. Sometimes people were asked to speak on behalf of something they didn’t agree with. In this case, it is necessary to set aside emotions and just deliver a thoughtful speech. However, I do believe that sometimes emotions can enhance a speech and clear thinking. When I am passionate about my topic, I want to obtain as much knowledge and information as possible in order to have a great speech. In this case my emotions have helped my presentation.

Have a good weekend, everyone! ☺


emadden said...
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emadden said...

Good post!
It's very true that emotion can play a part in thought, speech, etc. When I was reading your post I kept thinking how much more true that can be for women than for men.

Women have a hard time keeping their emotion out of things as men have an easier time just thinking logically about something without emotion.
For me, being emotional about a topic can sometimes take away from my credibility. For example, I am very passionate about Animal Cruelty. I know a lot about it because of my extensive research. When someone asks me about my thoughts about animal cruelty and is not sensitive about it, I automatically become flustered and angry; it makes it hard for me to get my point across.

Kind of random, I know! But these are the things I thought of when I read your post.
Anyway, Good one :) Take care!