Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week 3 Discussion Post #1

Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

After reading the chapter, one little concept stuck out in my mind. I love that communication can be open ended and philosophical. “Even an everyday object such as a telephone can be defined in many ways” (Trenholm 19). Trenholm goes on to explain that a teenager and an engineer could describe a telephone in extremely different ways. With the Internet being so prevalent and people constantly instant messaging and emailing, we practically rely on interpreting definitions on a daily basis. Also, it’s funny how the tone of one’s voice can determine the way we interpret another person’s emotions or intentions. I don’t really like the idea of having a strict definition for every thing, because environments are always different and each defined thing will be shifted depending on the scenario.


1 comment:

Reese said...

I also liked reading about this section in chapter two. Definitions aren't always set in stone new ones are constantly being discovered. For example beauty is in the eye of the beholder. How do we define what beauty is? Is beauty more of a physical thing or an inner soulful thing? We will never have a perfect definition of beautiful, but isn't life better this way.

We live in a society that tries to give us a picture of beauty and a mold that we are supposed to fit in, such as a size two, blond hair, tanned, toned woman. Now this is a very unrealistic right? I am happy that beauty is measured in a number of ways because then it allows every woman in the world to be the most beautiful woman to someone.

Woman in society I agree with you, life is changing rapidly and we shouldn't be so strict on having set definitions.