Saturday, November 15, 2008

Week 12 Post #3

Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

As a senior approaching graduation at SJSU, I found the textbook section of Increasing Organizational Skills to be very interesting.

Upon graduation, I will be interviewing with prospective employers, and it is really important to prepare for an interview. Trenholm writes, “before the interview, prospective employees need to review skills gained through coursework, personal experience, or previous employment” (Trenholm 234). I think this is really important because during an interview, future employers will ask many surprising questions, but the one way in which a prospective employee can be prepared is by knowing their own skills and background information.

The resume and cover letter are two important elements that factor into an employer’s decision to hire someone. For myself, my resume is written out but I have been trying to improve my cover letter, which should “highlight one’s ability to do the job and motivates the employer to examine the resume” (Trenholm 235).

I definitely think being prepared for an interview is the most important step to a successful communicative interaction!

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