Saturday, November 22, 2008

Week 13 Discussion Post #3

Do you agree with Marshall McLuhan that the medium is the message, i.e. that the format or logic of a medium is as important as its content and, in fact, determines what content will be broadcast through that channel? Evaluate his idea that television is a cool medium.

I mostly agree with what McLuhan is saying. I do think that the way a message is transmitted is very important. The environment as well as the mode of the message affect us differently and make us experience the world differently.

McLuhan’s opinion regarding television as a cool medium is quite true, at least from my perspective. I think that we have to use our minds to interpret information and make assumptions for whatever holes there are in the transmission. When I think about looking at imagery on television, I am usually taken back to a memory or something from my lifetime that gives me an opinion. We all interpret things differently, and because television is diverse and selective, we must base our opinions off of whatever it offers us.

Although this doesn’t relate to specifically television, I am reminded of political cartoons. A single image the ability to influence our opinion greatly.

Have a great Sunday! ☺

1 comment:

mcluhan prophecy said...

Sure, sure. But what shapes our "mind" McLuhan said that media program our sensory experieinces which in terms informs our minds eye, so to speak. :)