Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 6 Discussion Post #2

2). Do you agree that men and women use language differently? In what areas?

I wholeheartedly agree that men and woman use language differently. From the time we played with "gender appropriate" toys in kindergarten, our social interactions tend to depict our use of language. I agree with Trenholm's example on page 89. When I am lost, I immediately want to call up a friend and ask for directions. Most male friends I know seem more embarrassed or uncomfortable when they do not know where they are going. Generally and subconsciously, girls and boys are taught to express themselves differently. I am a nanny for 3 children, two girls and one boy. Without a doubt, their genders play a huge role in the way they handle situations. Both girls cry freely if they had a bad day, whereas the boy tends to "suck it up" and hold back his tears. I find that girls tend to ask more questions, analyze situations, focus on details, and the boy is more direct and to the point. I find that girls use language if they need reassurance, by saying little things like "Do you know what I mean?", or "Does that make sense?". Boys are interested in working out a specific problem in a direct manner, using their language as a way to explain a situation or experience. I find they spend less time talking about the details and more time talking about the facts at hand.

I think that for the most part, men and women can use language differently, but I know men and women that do not fall specifically into one category. I have met men that are very free to express themselves and women that rarely cry. I think it really does depend on the individual. :)

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