Saturday, October 25, 2008

Week 9 Post #3

Do you believe in the rationality, perfectability, and mutability premises? What social institutions and practices are based on these beliefs?

I don’t really know if I wholeheartedly believe in all of these concepts. I think that in terms of rationality, people do have the ability to discover the truth. I do think, however, that life, selfishness, and differing beliefs can get in the way. Based on differing beliefs, one person’s “truth” may be different than another person’s idea of truth. In terms of the perfectability premise, I think that life is one opportunity. Mistakes are made, and we have the choice as to whether or not we want to commit crimes against the rules of our society. People in jail, or people who commit crimes are actively not being good citizens in a particular community.

Mutability premise believes that “human behavior is shaped by environmental factors and that the way to improve humans is to improve their physical and psychological circumstances” (Trenholm 353). I really agree with this last concept, because our environment truly shapes our ideas and beliefs. School/education is a social institution that models the mutability premise. Our surrounding give us a place to progress and grow, or can affect us in negative ways that influence our mental and physical health. All three of these premises are factors into our well beings as individuals.

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