Friday, October 24, 2008

Week 9 Discussion Post #2

*Do you agree with anthropologist Ruth Benedict that we are "creatures of our culture" and that our habits, beliefs, and impossibilities are shaped by our culture? If so, how can we break through the limits of our culture?

Generally, I agree with Ruth Benedict’s statement. We are born into communities of society that have various beliefs, customs, and rules. Whether we know it or not, we act as creatures of cultures on a daily basis, in our daily lives. Religion, ethnic background, and various activities are a few of the ways we engage in being a “creature of culture”.

We are apart of culture whether we like it or not. Our age and gender categorize us in ways that separate us from others. In order to break the stereotypes that come with cultures, we should seek out other cultures and actively participate in new ways. This type of intercultural communication truly connects us to others.

Participating/living in only one culture certainly limits our communication and most importantly, our progression as a human being. By actively learning about other cultures, and experiencing new cultures, we are not only broadening our knowledge but we are also expanding means of communication. Living outside one’s culture can be difficult, but extremely beneficial. I think it can be difficult to break the habits of one culture, but the sacrifice comes with so many benefits. We not limiting ourselves to one culture, we are enabling ourselves to learn and experience new ways of living. (Not to mention new beliefs, new outlooks, new ideas).

Have a great weekend! ☺

1 comment:

TheBloggingProf said...

Hello Lady! You made some good points here. My question would be about your comment of "living in only one culture". Do we live in only one culture? Or are we a part of numerous cultures with the opportunity to be a part of more if we so choose? This begs the question, what is your definition of culture? :)